Foresight Playbook


This is a playbook that deals with our individual approach to the future. While it explores the future of truth as a case study, all the activities and information provided can easily be adapted and employed to explore any other topic or issue. This playbook is a continuation of the Foresight study carried out by Future Station for Monomyths Association and Young Initiative Association, in which we envisioned future scenarios for how the truth might look like in 2040 (below you can find both the foresight study, but also posters for each of the future scenario). This foresight playbook was designed based on a model known as “5 dimensions of Future Consciousness” and created by the Finland Futures Research Centre of the University of Turku, Finland. You will embark on a series of Future quests, and you can also explore the case studies on the Future of Truth. We invite you to choose the ones that suit your context and personal challenges. Enjoy your journey! 

Project implemented by Monomyths Association in partnership with Young Initiative Association with the financial support of the Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit 

Beneficiary: Monomyths Association & Young Initiative Association

TRUTH2040 – Scenarios and artifacts from the future of TRUTH /
TRUTH2040 – Scenarii si artefacte din viitorul ADEVARULUI


Project implemented by Monomyths Association in partnership with Young Initiative Association with the financial support of the Active Citizens Fund Romania, programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this material does not necessarily reflect the official position of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021; for more information visit

The project is built around the ideas of “Artifacts from the Future of Truth” and proposes different scenarios on what 2040 will look like. Viewing possibilities – such as disinformation, influencers, ideological bubbles, manipulation, conspiracy theories, stereotypes, addressing diversity and human rights – help us prepare concrete actions for the preferred future scenario, to create the desired tomorrow. The scenarios are based on the identification of change signals, trends and uncertainties relevant to the areas of disinformation/discrimination. Based on the future scenarios created (and “personified” through artefacts), ways of responding and preparing are identified and implemented. The project was developed leveraging Foresight method and specific tools.

AI & The future of Corporate Governance


The Envisia sponsored Foresight White Paper, “AI and the Future of Governance”, thoughtfully challenges board directors to reconsider their approach and contribution now and into the future.

The Foresight White Paper surfaces that deeper understanding as the basis of why governance must improve. The necessary quality of interrelationship between AI and the board director is clearly made.

Current white paper enjoys the contribution of various community members of Envisia, professionals with solid expertise in Corporate Governance and as Board Members, including academia representatives. For access, please click on the picture below:

Beneficiary: WorkTransitionCEE – a project co-financed by the European Union that brings together six representative social partners from Romania, Hungary and Slovakia (employers and employee’s representatives alike)
Trends Shaping the Future of Work in CEE


The report “Trends Shaping the Future of Work in CEE” was developed by Future Station, under the WorkTransitionCEE project umbrella. The report explores the available pathways to progress and how the CEE countries can become the frontrunners of the digital transformation for the benefit of employers and employees alike.

How much automation and digitization will change our jobs in the coming years, what skills we need to develop to keep up with a constantly changing world of work, or how flexible and ‘green’ employers need to be to attract the best employees, are some of the trends analysed in the report.

In Romania, up to 54% of the working time is allocated to tasks that could be automated. In Hungary, the share is 49%, and in Slovakia between 48% to 53%. 40% of Romanians with higher education live abroad. Between 50 to 70% of those leaving Hungary are young people with a higher education, between 20 and 39 years old, and every 10th graduates leave Slovakia. How will the perception of where and how we work can change for companies and employees alike? Are robots enough to fill the gap or are we looking East for additional workforce? Will age, gender, or country of birth still count in the future as employment criteria?

More than ever, the new directions of development on digitalisation and the green economy are blurring the lines between work and personal life, between work and learning, between employee status and entrepreneurship. Which brings many opportunities, but also challenges in a socio-political construction whose architecture still reflects patterns from the period of the industrial revolution.

The purpose of the “Trends Shaping the Future of Work” report is to spark conversations and generate ideas on how can we ensure that Central and Eastern Europe remain competitive through adaptation and experimentation. How do we build a new balanced architecture? Where do we start from? These are just a few questions that remain after reading this report.

We have reasons to be optimistic about the future, a future that combines work and life, technology and human interaction, the economy and society, but positive scenarios in which all these elements find a balance can only be possible through strong collaboration and social dialogue.

For access, please click on the picture below:

Beneficiary: CONCORDIA (RO) Humanitarian Organization together with partners from 4 countries – National College of Social Workers (RO), Fachhochschule Vorarlberg Gmbh (AT), SOSU Østjylland (DK), Instituto Formazione Operatori Aziendali – I.F.O.A. (IT)
Social 2030: Future Skills


The current pandemic has powerful effects over the entire world. Whether we are talking about the millions of people who have lost their jobs or the psychological effects of losing the loved ones, the challenges before the pandemic could only be amplified in the current context. Having this in mind, how can we prepare for an uncertain and challenging future?

Within FOCUS – Forward Looking Social Europe Skills, a project funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Union, we chose to look at the factors that could produce the most acute changes in the society in the perspective of 2030. We have considered trends such as Demographic and economic factors, The power of the communities and connections, Holistic health, Human-technology collaboration.

Discussing with other social field professionals from Austria, Denmark, Italy and Romania we understood that, in order to remain relevant in the future, there are some essential competencies to be consider.

Beneficiar: eMAG
#FutureFit Plan


Cum ne pregătim pentru viitorul digital? Canvasul atașat mai jos poate să vă inspire în acest sens. Dați click pe poză!

Beneficiar: Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi
Resurse pentru competente de viitor si profesii emergente


În cadrul sesiunii cu studenți ai Universității A. I. Cuza Iași, Diana Stafie a povestit alături de Patricia Bertea, lector univ. dr. la Facultatea de Economie și Administrarea afacerilor Iasi și Diana Chihaia, coordonator al Serviciului pentru Studenți și absolvenți UAIC, despre ce înseamnă să fii Foresight Strategist, despre viitorul invățămantului superior, despre competențe viitoare si profesii emergente și cum putem mai bine să ne pregătim pentru acestea.

Materialul atașat mai jos reprezintă o colecție de resurse relevante in acest sens, material ce a fost pus la dispoziția participanților. Comunicarea post-eveniment poate fi accesată pe pagina universității.

Beneficiar: Fundația Romanian Angel Appeal
Profesii emergente in domeniul medical


Auzim des ca lumea este in schimbare, ca traim intr-un mediu volatile si incert, iar pandemia a accelerat aceasta ipoteza. Într-un asltfel de mediu, domeniul medical, ca multe alte sectoare, poate cunoaste si oportunități, dar si provocări generate de schimbarile continue. Raportul atasat sumarizeaza cateva din aceste schimbari, exemple de profesii emergente in domeniul medical, dar si sumarul discutiilor focus-groups cu profesionistii din domeniu.

Proiect realizat pentru Fundatia Romanian Angel Appeal in contextul parteneriatului international STOPTB

Beneficiar: Editura Club Romania
Prospectiva: România în raza mega și macro trendurilor globale


Caietul Documentar 5-Calitatea vieții, din seria realizată de Editura Club România, reunește viziunile a peste 100 de contributori cu privire la standardul de viață în România în context european, raportându-se în special la o serie de dimensiuni din sfera socială, care sunt subiectul unor tendințe cu impact transformațional major.

Proiectul editorial este structurat în 3 capitole: 1) Educație transformațională. Pregătirea pentru tranziția globală, 2) Ecologie extinsă, starea de sănătate, viață profesională, 3) Trenduri pentru orașele viitorului. Sinestezie urbană, care abordează în cheie non-materială conceptul de wellbeing și propun modele de bună practică validate pe plan internațional sau local, pentru o societate mai sustenabilă având la îndemână tehnologia pentru a crește gradul de coeziune și bunăstare al cetățenilor și comunităților din România.

În acest context, am primit invitația de a participa la demersul editorial cu o analiză de 7-10 pagini pe tema Prospectiva: România în raza mega și macro trendurilor globale. Analiza este atașată mai jos și include aspecte precum studii prospective, megatendințe, semnale emergente de schimbare. Analiza a fost aleasă să deschidă secțiunea de contribuții a volumului și a fost inclusă și în cadrul Buletinului.

Momentan lansarea caietului documentar s-a realizat in Bucuresti, urmand ca acesta sa fie lansat si in alte orase din tara, iar in 2021 sa fie publicat pe site-ul editurii Club Romania.

Beneficiar: Training and Learning Development company
Training and Learning in the Tomorrow++


This paper illustrates 15 signals of change and innovation manifestations related to the digitalization of the training & learning market.

The material was sent as pre-reading for the audience.

Beneficiar: Cadran Film
How to win the future in advertising?


We are living in a time of great change. The pace of change has never been faster than it is today … and it will never again be as slow as it is today. This creates an entirely new operating environment for companies. To meet both the needs and the context of the 21st century, it’s necessary to foresight and understand the relevant signals of change.

You can influence your future by choosing to act or not today!

The attached report represents an excerpt from our analysis of relevant industry trends prepared for Cadran Film. Enjoy your reading!